Happy DUI Insurance client

by Kirby Newton
(Peachland, NC)

My son, who had a dui about 2 years ago,and a couple of more incidents that occurred in a no-fault state where insurance paid out even though he was not at fault, and I were looking for affordable insurance for him.

We did an internet search and found several options. We then submitted request for quotes to about a dozen companies. The Brown-Phillips Insurance agency was one of the first to reply. They also quickly followed up with a phone call and were very kind and understanding of the situation.

Knowing that we were seeking quotes from others Brown-Phillips Insurance was never pushy like some others but did follow up.

In addition to their courtesy and professional conduct, Brown-Phillips also found my son an affordable policy that provided the same coverage that we previously had. National General was the company with a rate nearly half of what the large companies with the big advertisements you see on TV offer.

My son is only allowed to drive to and from work but thanks to Brown-Phillips and their dui insurance program he is able to continue working and though he's not making a lot of money the affordability of the National General policy allows him to support himself.

Happy DUI Insurance Client.

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